War Tribe
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Zajimba (Application)

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Zajimba (Application) Empty Zajimba (Application)

Post  Zajimba Wed Apr 14, 2010 6:23 pm

Zajimba (no last name) of the Darkspear Tribe

RP Status: All the time

Description: Zajimba is kind of a light blue color, with an elaborate tribal painting all over his face. He sports large, spear-like tusks that protrude out of his jaw, and normally is carrying some sort of weapon. He usually is wearing red colored mail armor, but occasionally sports some sort of leather outfit from a beast he killed. He has blue-teal hair, and a common hairstyle.

Character History: Zajimba used to live in Sen'jin village, and was encouraged to take on the task of being a berserker. After completing his training, he got on a zeppelin to Grom'gol. One of the 'normal' events happened, and the goblin contraption exploded in mid-air, dropping all of its passengers into the waters near Stranglethorn Vale. Zajimba desperately clung to a wooden board from the wreckage, and floated for nearly a day. He eventually spotted land, and though weak and hungry, he managed to swim towards it. There, he was greeted by a friendly tribe of trolls, and they helped him get back his health. After his stay at Yojamba Isle, he departed for Grom'gol, where he reluctantly took a zeppelin back to Orgrimmar. To this day, he wanders the deserts of the Barrens and Durotar, longing for another purpose, but on a trip to Orgrimmar, he found members of the War Tribe, and saw this as a new opportunity.

Goals: Zajimba doesn't have really any goals, except to hone his weapon and fighting skills.
Dislikes/Phobias: Zajimba has a phobia of zeppelins. He despises them, after his life-altering crash. He dislikes arachnids and silithids, and is reluctant to fight them. Besides those, he really doesn't have any dislikes or phobias.


Posts : 1
Join date : 2010-04-12

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